Akhty, Dagestan, 2016.
There are many sunny days (up to 167) in the area of Akhty village, a prolonged growing season (230−250 days), a moderately hot summer and a short winter with unstable snow cover. All this creates comfortable living conditions. The climate in the mountainous part of Dagestan is moderately cold in winter (average temperatures in January vary from -5 to -11 °C), and summer is moderately warm. However, the climate becomes cooler with increasing altitude. At an altitude above 3000 m it is cold.
Precipitation varies with altitude — from 600 to 800 (1000) mm in the highlands, and from 800 to 1600 mm on the windward southern slope in Azerbaijan. Heavy rains and cloudbursts are typical, as a result of which mudslides form. Therefore, some of the mountain villages are located on high terraces and alluvial fans (Kurakh, Akhty) or butte between rivers (Khinalug, Gelmets).