Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.


Chapter VII: Animal breeding

In the mountains near Rutul, Dagestan, 2016.


Chapter VII: Animal breeding

……………………………………The steepness of the slopes and the stony soils led to the development of terraced cultivation. The fields are usually small — so they look like patchwork from above. Animal breeding and cultivation of fruits and vegetables are the major occupations and mostly a daily routine for highlanders. Even in times when almost every village has a supermarket or at least a small store. In the Caucasus, it is a matter of survival and a way of earning one’s living; in Switzerland, it is more of a tribute to traditions and has become practically relevant in the 2020 pandemic.
The steepness of the slopes and the stony soils led to the development of terraced cultivation. The fields are usually small — so they look like patchwork from above. Animal breeding and cultivation of fruits and vegetables are the major occupations and mostly a daily routine for highlanders. Even in times when almost every village has a supermarket or at least a small store. In the Caucasus, it is a matter of survival and a way of earning one’s living; in Switzerland, it is more of a tribute to traditions and has become practically relevant in the 2020 pandemic.
Marina Nikolaevna Petrushina
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Lecturer at the Faculty of Geography of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Due to the higher humidity in the Alps at an altitude of more than 800-1000 m above sea level, mixed coniferous-broad leaved forest (oak, beech, maple) predominate, which are replaced by coniferous forests (spruce, fir, pine, larch) at an altitude of 1800-2400 m. Higher up are bushes, subalpine and alpine meadows, from 2800 m is the kingdom of rocks, snowfields and glaciers.
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.
Due to the higher humidity in the Alps at an altitude of more than 800-1000 m above sea level, mixed coniferous-broad leaved forest (oak, beech, maple) predominate, which are replaced by coniferous forests (spruce, fir, pine, larch) at an altitude of 1800-2400 m. Higher up are bushes, subalpine and alpine meadows, from 2800 m is the kingdom of rocks, snowfields and glaciers.
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.
The forests in the lower parts of the slopes, in the valleys, are often occupied by post forest meadows. They serve as excellent pastures for livestock and the production of organic dairy products. No wonder Alpine cheese and milk are among the best in Europe.
The forests in the lower parts of the slopes, in the valleys, are often occupied by post forest meadows. They serve as excellent pastures for livestock and the production of organic dairy products. No wonder Alpine cheese and milk are among the best in Europe.
In the drier Eastern Caucasus, large areas are occupied by steppes and steppe meadows, subalpine and alpine meadows that are mainly used for sheep and goats, and to a lesser extent cows, to graze. Pine-birch and broad-leaved forests can be observed on the northern slopes in deeply incised valleys. The pastures in the mountains are good, but often difficult to access. In contrast to Dagestan, broad-leaved forests (oak, hornbeam, beech) occupy large areas in Azerbaijan.
In the drier Eastern Caucasus, large areas are occupied by steppes and steppe meadows, subalpine and alpine meadows that are mainly used for sheep and goats, and to a lesser extent cows, to graze. Pine-birch and broad-leaved forests can be observed on the northern slopes in deeply incised valleys. The pastures in the mountains are good, but often difficult to access. In contrast to Dagestan, broad-leaved forests (oak, hornbeam, beech) occupy large areas in Azerbaijan.
The road to Khinalug, Dagestan, 2016.><meta itemprop=

The road to Khinalug, Dagestan, 2016.


Although almost every Dagestani family owns a car, and sometimes not only a passenger car but also a truck — however, some people still can use donkeys to transport heavy loads.
Although almost every Dagestani family owns a car, and sometimes not only a passenger car but also a truck — however, some people still can use donkeys to transport heavy loads.
Rutul, Dagestan, 2016.><meta itemprop=
Rutul, Dagestan, 2016.
Rutul, Dagestan, 2016.><meta itemprop=
Rutul, Dagestan, 2016.
A donkey on a mountain trail is an indispensable helper to the family: it will find a path where technology is powerless.
A donkey on a mountain trail is an indispensable helper to the family: it will find a path where technology is powerless.
Jean-Jérôme, a Swiss, recalled that his father had a mule in the family. Before the roads were built, it was the only means of transportation to get down from the mountain and reach the center of the canton, the city of Sion. They went to Sion every few weeks to sell their products and buy things they could not grow in their garden: rice, sugar, salt.
Jean-Jérôme, a Swiss, recalled that his father had a mule in the family. Before the roads were built, it was the only means of transportation to get down from the mountain and reach the center of the canton, the city of Sion. They went to Sion every few weeks to sell their products and buy things they could not grow in their garden: rice, sugar, salt.
Sion, mountain view, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Sion, mountain view, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
Sheep breeding is still a common occupation for the population of South Dagestan, but the livestock number has decreased significantly compared to the Soviet period.
Not every family keeps sheep. Now it is especially difficult because of the sale of products: the price of meat may be good, but the wool and hides are sold for almost nothing.
Sheep breeding is still a common occupation for the population of South Dagestan, but the livestock number has decreased significantly compared to the Soviet period.
Not every family keeps sheep. Now it is especially difficult because of the sale of products: the price of meat may be good, but the wool and hides are sold for almost nothing.
Rutulsky district, Dagestan, 2016.><meta itemprop=
Rutulsky district, Dagestan, 2016.
The Alps
Rafi lives in Saviese and keeps cows of the black Valesian meat breed The Herens, the same that participate in the battles of the queens in Martigny. He has a total of 17 cows, but only six have come down from the mountains so far in early October.
The Alps
Rafi lives in Saviese and keeps cows of the black Valesian meat breed The Herens, the same that participate in the battles of the queens in Martigny. He has a total of 17 cows, but only six have come down from the mountains so far in early October.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=

Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.

Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
The entire herd is driven to pasture in the mountains during the summer. The land there belongs to the municipalities, and the owners pay 450 francs per cow as pasture rent. The cows, together with a hired herdsman, go up in the mountains in March-April and go down in September-October. The variety of herbs and their quality is much better in the mountains than in the valley, so it affects the taste of milk and meat.
The entire herd is driven to pasture in the mountains during the summer. The land there belongs to the municipalities, and the owners pay 450 francs per cow as pasture rent. The cows, together with a hired herdsman, go up in the mountains in March-April and go down in September-October. The variety of herbs and their quality is much better in the mountains than in the valley, so it affects the taste of milk and meat.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
In autumn, cows give birth to calves. In winter they are looked after in the villages, and in spring, together with their babies, they go to the mountains again.
In the past, cows were driven directly through Saviese, where the highway is located now. In many cantons, the autumn descent of the cows from the mountains is a true festival: the cows are decorated with wreaths and the shepherds wear traditional clothing.
In autumn, cows give birth to calves. In winter they are looked after in the villages, and in spring, together with their babies, they go to the mountains again.
In the past, cows were driven directly through Saviese, where the highway is located now. In many cantons, the autumn descent of the cows from the mountains is a true festival: the cows are decorated with wreaths and the shepherds wear traditional clothing.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
As a rule, a cow does not live longer than 10-13 years. The cow must give birth every year, and if this does not happen two years in a row, it is sent to the slaughterhouse. Rafi has an employee who brings the cows there. The owner becomes too attached to them and it is not easy for him.
As a rule, a cow does not live longer than 10-13 years. The cow must give birth every year, and if this does not happen two years in a row, it is sent to the slaughterhouse. Rafi has an employee who brings the cows there. The owner becomes too attached to them and it is not easy for him.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=

Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.

Huge cow bells are traditional for the cantons of Valais and Appenzell. For a full-grown cow, such a bell weighs about 10 kilograms — they are hung for beauty, sound signal, and also to limit the amount of feed taken by the cow. The bell is removed for winter, while the cows are in the barn. During the cow’s life, the bell is changed several times until the heaviest one is put on.
Huge cow bells are traditional for the cantons of Valais and Appenzell. For a full-grown cow, such a bell weighs about 10 kilograms — they are hung for beauty, sound signal, and also to limit the amount of feed taken by the cow. The bell is removed for winter, while the cows are in the barn. During the cow’s life, the bell is changed several times until the heaviest one is put on.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
The Khinalug people (self-description — "ketsh khalkh") also raise livestock as their ancestors. There are extensive summer pastures near the village. The inhabitants, who have few sheep, keep them in sheds in winter and prepare hay for them. The life of those who own 500 or more cattle is subject to the rhythm of seasonal livestock driving: in summer they are grazed in the mountains, and in winter — on a plain 120−130 kilometers from Khinalug.
The Khinalug people (self-description — "ketsh khalkh") also raise livestock as their ancestors. There are extensive summer pastures near the village. The inhabitants, who have few sheep, keep them in sheds in winter and prepare hay for them. The life of those who own 500 or more cattle is subject to the rhythm of seasonal livestock driving: in summer they are grazed in the mountains, and in winter — on a plain 120−130 kilometers from Khinalug.
The women are the first to go to the plain and prepare the accommodation. They are followed by the men who come from the mountains with their flocks, while the children usually stay with their grandparents in the village. The collective farms in the high mountains were allocated winter pastures in the plains in Soviet time. The highlanders slowly settled there and also built houses. But the main residence of the Khinalug people is a mountain village.
Khinalug, Azerbaijan, 2016.

Khinalug, Azerbaijan, 2016.

The women are the first to go to the plain and prepare the accommodation. They are followed by the men who come from the mountains with their flocks, while the children usually stay with their grandparents in the village. The collective farms in the high mountains were allocated winter pastures in the plains in Soviet time. The highlanders slowly settled there and also built houses. But the main residence of the Khinalug people is a mountain village.
Khinalug, Azerbaijan, 2016.><meta itemprop=

Khinalug, Azerbaijan, 2016.

The Khinalug people keep sheep of fat-tailed breeds. They are collected in sheepfold to mark them and give them medicine for parasites.
The Khinalug people keep sheep of fat-tailed breeds. They are collected in sheepfold to mark them and give them medicine for parasites.
In Switzerland, dairy breeds are more widespread than beef ones — in mountainous regions, they graze even on the slopes. The area of the pasture is limited by a thin electric fence — the calves are taught not to touch it from birth.
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.
In Switzerland, dairy breeds are more widespread than beef ones — in mountainous regions, they graze even on the slopes. The area of the pasture is limited by a thin electric fence — the calves are taught not to touch it from birth.
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.
Andermatt, Canton of Uri, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Goats and sheep are not so common in Switzerland because animal husbandry is concentrated on cattle. But they are also found in small quantities in the villages.
Goats and sheep are not so common in Switzerland because animal husbandry is concentrated on cattle. But they are also found in small quantities in the villages.
Ftan, Canton of Grisons, Switzerland, 2021.
Saviese, Canton of Valais, Switzerland, 2021.
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Juf, Canton of Grisons, Switzerland, 2021.
In the highest permanently inhabited village in Europe, Juf, the cows are literally the bread and the butter. Almost all residents are engaged in cattle breeding. Cows can be seen grazing on the slopes until the first snows.
In the highest permanently inhabited village in Europe, Juf, the cows are literally the bread and the butter. Almost all residents are engaged in cattle breeding. Cows can be seen grazing on the slopes until the first snows.

Juf, Canton of Grisons, Switzerland, 2021.

Juf, Canton of Grisons, Switzerland, 2021.
Juf, Canton of Grisons, Switzerland, 2021.
In winter, cows are fed specially harvested grass, not hay. You see large rolls wrapped in plastic in the fields in autumn. Thus, the grass is preserved for the winter, so that the cows can consume a maximum of vitamins even in the cold.
In winter, cows are fed specially harvested grass, not hay. You see large rolls wrapped in plastic in the fields in autumn. Thus, the grass is preserved for the winter, so that the cows can consume a maximum of vitamins even in the cold.
Mostly the farmers themselves are not involved in the production of dairy products — as in Andeer they give the milk to the cheese maker. In the streets or in the villages you can find such ads: references to an "honest" refrigerator where you can buy milk and other products by putting the money in a special box.
Mostly the farmers themselves are not involved in the production of dairy products — as in Andeer they give the milk to the cheese maker. In the streets or in the villages you can find such ads: references to an "honest" refrigerator where you can buy milk and other products by putting the money in a special box.
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=

Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.

Beekeeping was practiced almost everywhere in the Caucasus in the XIX century.
It usually had a secondary value and covered the needs of the family. Only a few people were engaged in the sale of honey. The beehives were of various shapes and sizes, woven and coated with clay. To extract honey from beehives, the bees could be stunned by the explosion of a small charge of gunpowder, doused with cold water, or fumigated with one of the types of a puffball mushroom. As a result, almost half of the bees died. Today, technologies have become much more humane, but the honey tradition is still strong — also because of the quality of the products.
Beekeeping was practiced almost everywhere in the Caucasus in the XIX century.
It usually had a secondary value and covered the needs of the family. Only a few people were engaged in the sale of honey. The beehives were of various shapes and sizes, woven and coated with clay. To extract honey from beehives, the bees could be stunned by the explosion of a small charge of gunpowder, doused with cold water, or fumigated with one of the types of a puffball mushroom. As a result, almost half of the bees died. Today, technologies have become much more humane, but the honey tradition is still strong — also because of the quality of the products.
Apiary in the village of Khveredzh, Dagestan, 2016.
Apiary in the village of Khveredzh, Dagestan, 2016.
In Switzerland, beekeeping is hardly an important part of agriculture — it is almost entirely subsidized, is mostly amateur work, and is on a rather modest scale: a beekeeper sells his products to neighbors or through the nearest small grocery store.
In Switzerland, beekeeping is hardly an important part of agriculture — it is almost entirely subsidized, is mostly amateur work, and is on a rather modest scale: a beekeeper sells his products to neighbors or through the nearest small grocery store.
Apiary near Andeer, canton of Grisons, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=

Apiary near Andeer, canton of Grisons, Switzerland, 2021.


Fishing was a serious part of swiss agriculture a couple of decades ago.
Today, many piscatory villages on the lakes have turned into resorts, and fishing in the mountain rivers has become a weekend pastime. The fish farm in Sonogno, in the Verzasсa Valley, was built in 1929 on the remains of an old mill. And quickly grew into a business that began to provide the take to hotels and residents of the valley. A dam and a hydroelectric plant were built in the late 60s, and the incubator also dealt with the repopulation of rivers.
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Fishing was a serious part of swiss agriculture a couple of decades ago.
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=

Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.

Today, many piscatory villages on the lakes have turned into resorts, and fishing in the mountain rivers has become a weekend pastime. The fish farm in Sonogno, in the Verzasсa Valley, was built in 1929 on the remains of an old mill. And quickly grew into a business that began to provide the take to hotels and residents of the valley. A dam and a hydroelectric plant were built in the late 60s, and the incubator also dealt with the repopulation of rivers.
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Sonogno, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Although fish, especially in season, is still an important part of the diet and gastronomic traditions in Switzerland, it is not obtained from the natural environment, but rather farmed. The profiles of piscatory settlements have also changed, mainly due to tourism. Ascona in the canton of Ticino on the shores of Lake Maggiore was once a large fishing village — only archival photos of the waterfront still remind us of it. Now it is a resort town for families and elderly Swiss.
Although fish, especially in season, is still an important part of the diet and gastronomic traditions in Switzerland, it is not obtained from the natural environment, but rather farmed. The profiles of piscatory settlements have also changed, mainly due to tourism. Ascona in the canton of Ticino on the shores of Lake Maggiore was once a large fishing village — only archival photos of the waterfront still remind us of it. Now it is a resort town for families and elderly Swiss.
Ascona, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Ascona, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Ascona, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
Fishing in lakes and rivers in Switzerland requires a license, which varies for different waters. Their price differs depending on the canton. You can buy a tourist license for a couple of days or a week. The best time for fishing is from June to October when the catch of almost all fish species is allowed.
Fishing in lakes and rivers in Switzerland requires a license, which varies for different waters. Their price differs depending on the canton. You can buy a tourist license for a couple of days or a week. The best time for fishing is from June to October when the catch of almost all fish species is allowed.
Zug, Canton of Zug, 2021.

Magadino, Lake Maggiore, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.

Magadino, Lake Maggiore, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Zug, Canton of Zug, 2021.
Magadino, Lake Maggiore, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.><meta itemprop=
Magadino, Lake Maggiore, Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, 2021.
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VI Public spaces
VIII Crop farming
Anthropogeos. 2021
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